Our Content Management System (CMS)
Our Content Management System (CMS)
Why choose our Content Management System?
The number one driver of web traffic is having content that your visitors want, and today that means changing content, new content, and often.
No more static pages
Web sites the old fashioned way; regular static HTML web pages require a somewhat in depth knowledge about HTML, and you need to know how to upload your HTML documents and images to an FTP server, which makes changing content cumbersome or at least a phone call away to your web designer.
Content driven, dynamic web sites
At Web by Pixel we make it easy. We give you the necessary tools for you to update your web content on a frequent basis, so that your website stays fresh, exciting and relevant to your users.

With our CMS you have all the tools you need to change, update and delete not only text and images, but further you can insert interactive media by creating your own Flash slide shows, make mouse-over tool-tips, upload videos including You-tube videos and more. CMS Applications list

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Contact us for more information and learn more about the difference Web by Pixel can make to your web application needs. No obligation!

More benefits

Custom Solutions
Our CMS can also have fully integrated custom solutions that are specific to your business. It can be any web application that solves some or all of your business processes in a more effective integrated way. Our custom web application will work seamlessly with the other applications in our CMS. More about our custom applications.

Our CMS has a flexible template application which lets you convert virtually any design to it. Eliminating compromises in the design process provides the advantage of making truly custom web designs. More about templates.

Access model
Our CMS can be much more than just a pretty face to the world. It has a fully integrated access model, which lets you control access to all the parts of the system individually. This is perhaps the most powerful of all the tools, and it sets us apart from most other Content Management Systems. With our access model you can steer your content to other groups within your organization, to signed-in clients, other businesses and much more. More about our access model.

Ajax technology
Get a much smoother web experience with our CMS. Our applications are based in the Ajax technology which minimizes page flickering when clicking on links, menus and more. More about the Ajax difference.

Most important, our CMS has scalability. Our CMS is always ready to expand with your needs.
It will work equally well with a simple structure as with a complex one, with a lot of custom applications and many records and files. It also works equally well for small or new businesses as for bigger corporations with multilevel requirements and complex business models. More about scalability.